Happy New Year! Welcome To 2019. Let’s Make It Great!


Happy New Year, everyone!

At this moment in time I am mostly hoping the shock of seeing something new published here is not causing any of you heart palpitations. Unless they are in the good pit-a-pat, “Oh we missed you!” kind of way, in which case, by all means palpitate away!

Today is January first and I have made myself some serious (and not-so-serious) (I mean. My happiness must account for something, right?) promises that I will keep.

Please note, I did not say “intend to keep”. I said, “I will keep”. BIG difference. I can intend until the cows come home (except for that one weird one) (you know the one right? No? Oh, I will get to that this month … but I digress …), but without will nothing happens. My will is strong. It is back with a vengeance (of kindness… no worries there … unless you crossed me <cue ominous music and single eyebrow raise> Ha ha!) and I feel determined to make this year one filled with joy and success.

I wrote a bit about it on my Tempered With Kindness Facebook page (which I hope you have liked) and well, I am sharing it here because I often stopped myself (last year) from writing or hitting publish when I felt it was mundane or not exciting or filled with flashy events. Meh. Life is TOO short! This is my space to share all of it, right? Mundane to magical. Silly to spectacular. Unimaginable to unfiltered as– well you know what all the cool kids say. 😉

Here is what I shared today.

“In 2018, while I was really trying to focus on what was truly important to me (and letting go of many things I loved, that simply were not meant to be), I passed on opportunities that might have made my life easier, enriched, or successful, in the long run and definitely some things that would have made me happy. I tolerated things (not a big fan of that word, btw) over which I would be outraged on another’s behalf. I lived a year of letting things wash over me. It was what I needed to do at the time.

2019 is a new year and I am here for it. 🍾🥂

I am well rested. I had what can best be described as a week of sloth during the holidays -and it was glorious!
Now I am ready for new opportunities, leaping, taking some risks, and ultimately, simply saying yes to more things.

I hope you will be here for the hijinks that inevitably will ensue. Thank you all for your love and kindness and most of all your steadfast support through a year of spotty blogging and not very much excitement. This year is going to be very different. I can feel it in my bones. (Incidentally my bones are pretty insulated at the moment. Ha ha! Just me? Oh, god. I hope not! Meh! More on that later!)

Onward we go!”

I said what I needed to say. I tempered it with kindness.

I said what I meant. I meant what I said.

I said it. I meant it.

I’m ready. Let’s GO!


Are you ready for this new year? What are you doing today, right this minute, to help make this a good year for you? All those baby steps add up. Actions matter. (Oh! More on that later, too!)

If you happen to read this, I would be thrilled beyond belief if you were to reach out, say hello, share a comment, or let me know you are also here for 2019 and all the good things we will make happen.


⭐️Credit where credit is due (and I will be talking a LOT more about this this year, too!): Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


6 thoughts on “Happy New Year! Welcome To 2019. Let’s Make It Great!

  1. I had that week of sloth too, and it was diVINE. I was DONE at the end of Christmas day. I don’t really pick words or make resolutions other than to keep trying to be kind, do good, eat vegetables, take walks and read books. I’m of two minds about the “intend to keep” vs “WILL keep” thing too, because you know, shit happens and holding yourself to impossible standards is hard on the head, but good on you for being determined. I guess right now I’m firmly resolved to make an appointment for a cortisone shot as soon as humanly possible so I can walk without limping again. But first I’m taking my daughter to IKEA tomorrow even though we don’t need anything – we just haven’t been for ages, and she wants to wander around the perfectly-designed rooms. Happy new year!

  2. So happy you’re back, you’re rested, and you’re here! Can’t wait to watch you shine even brighter (as if that’s possible!) in 2019. xox

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