MYO Pizza: Tex-Mex Week Edition (aka Mexican Pizza)

Friday was Mexican Pizza day on the “Tex-Mex Week” menu and it was awesome!

First of all, here is another meal where everyone gets to express their creativity or, depending on personality type, maintain creative control. This ensures everyone eats and everyone likes what they eat or at the very least everyone is responsible for their liking and/or not liking of what they make. Shall I over explain some more?

Secondly, I was extremely pleased to find La Tortilla Factory tortillas at Pete’s Frootique (I *love* Pete’s!) and then blissfully happy to find a gluten free tortilla made by the same company. There may or may not have been happy dancing in the bread aisle. (Who’s to say? It’s a mystery, really. Well maybe that nice lady who smiled as I danced saw, but I can’t be totally sure, but I digress…)

Thirdly, we took our time getting around to making them and it was really relaxing because there wasn’t a whole lot of prep for anything. The crusts were easy (tortillas). The cheese was pre-shredded (nacho cheese blend, fyi). The sauce was from a jar (Mrs. Renfrew’s Medium Salsa). The tomatoes were speedily sliced. Dicing the red pepper is always fun anyway, so it was enjoyable to make that happy little dice of red pepper “confetti”. The most effort came from slicing a jalapeño which was fun to show the Things because I could explain how most of the heat came from the seeds and pith while I removed them. (The seeds and pith, not the Things!) Oh! I did slice the red onion excruciatingly thinly, but that was really more about entertaining myself than anything else. (In other news, I have mad knife skills, yo! You could practically see through the slices!)

Fourthly, (yeah I’m going with that) the pizzas turned out to be some of the yummiest on record at Chez Peady. Here, have a look!




Bonus: All about Pete!

7 thoughts on “MYO Pizza: Tex-Mex Week Edition (aka Mexican Pizza)

    1. They are!

      I used to get them in Texas.

      Get this. I would mail order them from Santa Rosa and get 10 packages and freeze them. They have a LC tortilla with only 6 ECC. 😀

      SO EXCITED!!! Does it show?

    1. It is SO HOT!

      I’m not the brave one. Thing 1 is the brave one. The little spice loving lunatic! 😛

      Sometimes his Texas really shows! This is one of those times.

      He’s really a fan of the fact that Ghost Peppers are the hottest.

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