But Who’s Ted?

 Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are.

— Will Ferrell

Here is something that I watched (and thoroughly enjoyed) with Daddy-O today.

Let me know what you think!


Did you agree? Did you laugh? Please tell me you laughed!


Are you happy?

Are you married?

Are you happily married?

What do you think makes a marriage last?



W.E.D.N.E.S.D.A.Y. (Whee! Exciting Daily News! Every Single Day A Yarn.)

You didn’t think I could do it, did you?

Well, I did.

So, nyah!

Oops! Sorry. No no. Not you. I know you knew I could. Just a little internal dialogue – with myself.* Whoopsiedoodle!


It’s getting late, though, so a speedy post must be posted post haste!


I have swollen feet and it is really annoying. I need to stop sitting so much. I never used to sit! I used to use a laptop and when I did I stood all the live long day.

Weird, right? I mean when someone says, “laptop”, you think, “lap”, and you need to sit to have a lap, so what the heck do I mean I stood? This makes no sense!  What gives?!?

Well, my laptop was a hand me down and lived a long and happy life, but had been dying for a couple of years. My live-in IT department kept it going, despite it’s age, for years beyond when other people would have sent it to the big Motherboard in the sky. He even managed to bring it back from the dead a few times. It was pretty cool! On more than one occasion I was all, “It’s ALIVE! It’s ALIVE!“.

The last time, though… well, we had a long talk and a DNR order was signed. It was time to let nature take its course and let my poor little MacBook go. It would, in a perfect world, be reunited with it’s Daddy and rest peacefully after a long happy life of working hard (tweeting and such).

So, since my laptop died I have been using a desktop and (while I am thankful to have a computer to use) that is not good!

I mean, it’s good, but it’s bad, you know?




How can I make this clear?

OH! I know! Look! Look at number 10, specifically. See? Lisa would not lead me ashtray .. er .. astray.

I have to quit!


So, at the risk of freaking out like last time, I really have to start moving more and get my butt in gear!

And that’s my Wednesday takeaway in a nutshell**.




*Well who else would I be talking to, internally? My liver? My stomach? Actually, that second one is a pretty likely scenario, but I digress …

**And I do mean NUTshell. Oy!

Futurama/Fry meme source: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6197536768/h14D94699/